Attending racedays?

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Dr Jerry Hill, Chief Medical Adviser to the British Horseracing Authority has issued a further reminder that we need to continue to minimise staff in the Green Zone at fixtures.

Wherever possible and where it is safe to do so, the numbers of Essential Staff must be reduced to the lowest possible number to increase protection from Covid transmission on racecourses and hence into the wider racing community.

From experience so far in the pandemic the following areas/activities are particularly vulnerable

  • Any shared vehicle
  • Rest areas
  • Clusters around TV screens
  • Face to face conversations
  • Enclosed poorly ventilated indoor spaces
  • Rooms where the maximum safe occupancy has been exceeded.

Racing staff should endeavour to be on a racecourse for the shortest duration possible and if work can be done before or after a meeting or indeed remotely this is preferred. 

Sporadic cases are occurring in all staff groups across the country and the impact and need to self-isolate is significantly reduced if social distancing is maintained. In the event of a case occurring rapid assessment and isolation of close contacts is key.

If you are responsible for staff attending fixtures or attending in person, please take every precaution to limit the potential spread of the virus.