Exeter Racecourse


Exeter Racecourse, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7XS
+44 (0)1392 832599

What evening meal do you provide for Racing Staff?

We do not provide evening meals. Breakfast is provided though.

What type of food does the Racing Staff Canteen offer?

Full English breakfasts, baps, sandwiches, pasty’s, sausage rolls, chicken goujons, burgers, gammon, lasagne, salad, chips festive options on our Christmas fixtures, jacket potatoes with choices of fillings, cakes, flapjacks, fruit, crisps.

Vegetarian options; cheese & onion pasty, vegetarian breakfast, jacket potato with choice of filling.

Is food available all day?

Yes – at Exeter Court Hotel.

Is there anything else you’d like to let Racing Staff know about the food and refreshments?

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

Where is the staff accommodation located on the racecourse?

We don’t have accommodation on the racecourse. We book any stable staff wishing to stay overnight into the Exeter Court Hotel, located 2 minutes down the road from the racecourse. exetercourthotel.co.uk

How many rooms does the racecourse provide?


See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

Do you have facilities for staff to change and wash in if not staying?


See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

For courses staging multi-day fixtures, what time can staff check in?


See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

See exetercourthotel.co.uk for details.

Cash prize for the best turned out in each race.

